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Archive for September, 2020

September 14th, 2020

HE’S BACK!!! NBF proudly announces that attorney Jeremy Jones has returned to his position as a partner with NBF. He brings with him some new experiences from the Attorney General’s office. He will resume his work as a stalwart and seasoned member of the NBF maritime team


September 10th, 2020

NBF attorneys Rod Fonda and Noah Jaffe obtained a result that is increasingly difficult to obtain: summary judgment dismissal of a defendant in an asbestos case filed in State Court. Rod and Noah represented a marine parts supplier in Florida who had nothing to do with the Seattle shipyard worker’s asbestos, and therefore their client should have been dismissed—but judges in King County are so leery of overreaching appellate decisions to make sure that mesothelioma victims have some available legal recourse, that such dismissals, no matter how meritorious, have become rare. Well done Rod and Noah!!