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Archive for December, 2022

December 16th, 2022

NBF attorney Elizabeth A. Strunk was appointed as the co-chapter president of WISTA USA’s Pacific Northwest Chapter. WISTA, Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association, is a female led organization with the mission of minimizing the gender gap in the maritime and trading sectors while allowing its members to build a community of like-minded individuals.

December 6th, 2022

After the wreck of the S.S. PACIFIC was discovered off the Washington coast, NBF attorney Jeremy Jones obtained for the finder the exclusive salvage rights to the wreck. S.S. PACIFIC was a 223-foot side-wheel steamer that sank on November 4, 1875. The sinking was the deadliest marine disaster in U.S. West Coast history, and the wreck is of substantial historical interest. In addition, it is believed a not insubstantial amount of gold was aboard the vessel when she sank, owing to the fact she was transporting a number of passengers who had been involved in the Cassiar Mountains gold rush. More information about the discovery is available here:

December 3rd, 2022

We would like to thank and congratulate NBF attorney Nina Mitchell, who is retiring at the end of December 2022. She started and grew the NBF longshore practice and was both an outstanding advocate for her clients and great friend and colleague in the office. We wish her fair winds and following seas. After Nina retires, attorney Noah Jaffe will continue handling the firm’s longshore matters.