News & Events

Our Impact

July 5th, 2017

NBF attorneys Noah Jaffe and Chris Reilly received word that Division I of the Washington State Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court’s decision in the matter of OSG Ship Management, Inc. v. Sisto Andrew. The case involved the enforcement of a settlement agreement “no sail” provision through arbitration.

June 8th, 2017

NBF attorney Rivers Black attended the 2017 International Cargo Insurance Conference (ICIC) on June 5-7, 2017 in London, England.  The purpose of the ICIC is to provide a platform for the education and professional development of all those within the marine cargo insurance community.

May 10th, 2017

NBF attorney Larry Altenbrun will be participating in North Star Insurance Services’ F/V DESTINATION Memorial Golf Tournament on May 15, 2017.  NBF is proud to support this golf tournament and North Star’s silent auction, which will benefit the F/V DESTINATION fund.

May 7th, 2017

NBF attorneys Pegeen Mulhern and Shannon Trivett will be attending the Annual General Meeting of Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association (WISTA) USA in Long Beach, California on May 17, 2017.  NBF is a proud sponsor of this year’s conference, the theme of which is “The Future of Shipping: Innovation, Technology, and the Changing Face of the Maritime Workforce.”

May 6th, 2017

NBF attorneys Curt Feig and Larry Altenbrun recently spent a week in New York meeting with clients and updating them on developments in Washington law. Curt gave presentations  on covenant judgments in the context of reservation of rights defenses under Washington law and on Washington insurance claims handling regulations. Larry provided a presentation on developments related to the availability of punitive damages in maritime law and how these developments impact marine insurance. NBF takes pride in bringing value to our clients, often by presenting in-house educational seminars. If you are interested in setting up a seminar with attorneys from NBF, feel free to call or email any of our attorneys.

May 4th, 2017

NBF attorney Shannon Trivett served on the planning committee of the Marine Insurance Association of Seattle’s 29th Annual Day of Education, a day-long continuing education seminar on May 4, 2017 for Pacific Northwest marine insurance professionals. Fellow NBF attorneys Chris Nicoll, Rivers Black, and Jeremy Jones also attended the event.

April 29th, 2017

NBF attorney Curt Feig participated as a crewmember in the 2017 Newport to Ensenada sailboat race from April 28 – 29, 2017.

April 29th, 2017

NBF attorney Rivers Black attended The Greater New Orleans Barge Fleeting Association’s (GNOBFA) 35th River and Marine Industry Seminar on April 25-28, 2017 in New Orleans, LA.  GNOBFA’s annual seminar is one of the premier seminars in the marine industry.

April 21st, 2017

On April 21, 2017, NBF attorney Pegeen Mulhern attended the Northwest Marine Trade Association’s (NMTA) sixth annual auction, which benefitted the Clean Boating Foundation and Fish Northwest.  NBF is pleased to provide its support to this event once again.

March 18th, 2017

NBF attorney Pegeen Mulhern attended the Seattle Propeller Club’s Maritime Gala on March 18, 2017. Nicoll Black & Feig was a proud sponsor of this annual event, which helped support the works of Seattle Sea Scouts, Seattle Maritime Academy and Youth Maritime Training Association.