News & Events

Our Impact

October 29th, 2015

NBF attorney Curt Feig, assisted by NBF attorney Shannon Trivett, successfully obtained dismissal of both an Insurance Fair Conduct Act claim and a claim for attorney’s fees asserted against their client in federal court.

October 24th, 2015

NBF attorney Chris Reilly participated in the National Business Institute CLE program Dirty Litigation Tactics: How to Deal with the “Rambo” Litigator and was the presented on the topic of Dirty Tricks That You Need To Look Out For In Discovery.

October 22nd, 2015

NBF attorney Pegeen Mulhern is speaking at the  Northwest Marine Trade Association’s 2015 Northwest Marina & Boatyard Conference at the Kitsap Conference Center on October 29, 2015.  Pegeen will be presenting legal perspectives on disaster preparedness “Planning for the Best Outcome in the Worst Circumstances.”  She will also respond to questions from conference attendees as a participant on a “Stump the Lawyer” panel.

September 30th, 2015

NBF attorneys Jeremy Jones and Larry Altenbrun obtained a complete defense verdict in a case that went to trial in King County Superior Court. In Chun v. Selene Seattle, LLC et al., the plaintiff asserted seven separate causes of action against two defendants, both of whom were represented by NBF. The case was tried in September 2015, with Jones serving as first chair trial attorney. On September 30, the Court issued its Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, ruling in favor of the defendants with respect to every cause of action.

September 15th, 2015

NBF attorney Shannon Trivett has been appointed as Co-Chair of the Young Lawyers Committee for the Washington Defense Trial Lawyers Association. The committee facilitates and plans educational programming and networking events specifically geared toward new and/or young lawyers of the defense bar.

June 17th, 2015

NBF attorney Michael A. Guadagno has been invited to join the prestigious Claims and Litigation Management Alliance.  The CLM is a nonpartisan alliance comprised of thousands of insurance companies, corporations, Corporate Counsel, Litigation and Risk Managers, claims professionals and attorneys.  Through education and collaboration the organization’s goals are to create a common interest in the representation by firms of companies, and to promote and further the highest standards of litigation management in pursuit of client defense.  Selected attorneys and law firms are extended membership by invitation only based on nominations from CLM Fellows.

June 4th, 2015

NBF attorney Pegeen Mulhern made a presentation on  the Duties and Liabilities of Boat Dealers and Brokers as part of a continuing education course for the Northwest Yacht Brokers Association in Seattle on the topic of “Potential risks and liability for yacht brokers – Tips and tools for minimizing exposure.”

May 15th, 2015

NBF attorney Pegeen Mulhern attended the Annual General Meeting of the Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association  in New York city.  The meeting focused on “Emerging challenges facing the shipping industry.”

April 28th, 2015

With the assistance of NBF attorney Shannon Trivett, NBF attorney Chris P. Reilly conducted a webinar for the National Association of Subrogation Professionals (“NASP”) on the topic of The Application of the Economic Loss Rule in Property Damage Cases. The presentation considered the economic loss rule in four jurisdictions (Washington, Alaska, Oregon, and under general maritime law).

April 8th, 2015

NBF attorney Shannon Trivett won the Washington Defense Trial Lawyer’s Young Lawyer March Madness event, predicting more NCAA winning teams than any other participant.