News & Events

Our Impact

January 30th, 2015

NBF attorney Jeremy Jones was elected to the Board of Directors of the Marine Insurance Association of Seattle.

January 22nd, 2015

NBF attorney Michael A. Guadagno gave various presentations to the National Business Institute’s seminar entitled “The Rules of Evidence: A Practical Toolkit.”   Michael’s presentations included: “Admission and Exclusion of Unique Evidence;” “Handling Email, Social Media & Electronically Stored Information;” and “Legal Legion of Boom[TM]: Playing Evidentiary Defense.”

December 17th, 2014

NBF attorney Chris P. Reilly is featured in two articles in the Bodily Injury News / Winter 2014/2015 edition published by Thomas Miller America’s Bodily Injury Team. The articles featuring Mr. Reilly describe his presentations on the topics of (1) Good Practices in Shipboard Investigations and (2) Witness Preparation at the September 2014 Thomas Miller Bodily Injury Seminar in Jersey City, NJ.

October 23rd, 2014

NBF attorney Christopher W. Nicoll presented to the Puget Sound Marine Claims Association on Subrogation and the Made Whole Doctrine under Washington and Maritime Law.

October 23rd, 2014

Nicoll Black & Feig PLLC hosts an open house to celebrate its 10th anniversary, expansion of its office space and the addition of new associate, Shannon Trivett.  The function was well-attended and a lot of fun.

October 10th, 2014

NBF attorneys Christopher W. Nicoll and Jeremy Jones attended the Pacific Admiralty Seminar in San Francisco.

September 30th, 2014

NBF attorneys Curt H. Feig and Michael A. Guadagno won summary judgment dismissal of plaintiff’s claims for breach of contract and bad faith.  Messrs. Feig and Guadagno argued that an outrage claim asserted in a third party lawsuit did not trigger coverage under the applicable policy’s personal liability coverage grant.  The court agreed and granted defendant’s motion.

September 23rd, 2014

Nicoll Black & Feig PLLC celebrates the 10th anniversary of its founding!

September 18th, 2014

NBF attorney Chris P. Reilly presented on the topics of (1) Good Practices in Shipboard Investigations and (2) Witness Preparation at the annual Thomas Miller Bodily Injury Seminar in Jersey City, NJ.

September 15th, 2014

Nicoll Black & Feig announces the addition of our newest associate, Shannon Trivett.  Ms. Trivett joins us after completing a clerkship with the Washington State Supreme Court.