NBF attorneys Curt H. Feig and Michael A. Guadagno won summary judgment dismissal of plaintiff’s claims for breach of contract and bad faith. Messrs. Feig and Guadagno argued that an outrage claim asserted in a third party lawsuit did not trigger coverage under the applicable policy’s personal liability coverage grant. The court agreed and granted defendant’s motion.
News & Events
Our Impact
September 30th, 2014
September 23rd, 2014
Nicoll Black & Feig PLLC celebrates the 10th anniversary of its founding!
September 18th, 2014
NBF attorney Chris P. Reilly presented on the topics of (1) Good Practices in Shipboard Investigations and (2) Witness Preparation at the annual Thomas Miller Bodily Injury Seminar in Jersey City, NJ.
September 15th, 2014
Nicoll Black & Feig announces the addition of our newest associate, Shannon Trivett. Ms. Trivett joins us after completing a clerkship with the Washington State Supreme Court.
September 2nd, 2014
In an order dismissing a seaman’s personal injury claim, King County Superior Court Judge Helen L. Halpert supported her decision with extensive citations to a publication authored by NBF attorney Jeremy Jones. Mr. Jones’ publication discusses the enforceability of forum and venue selection clauses in seaman’s employment contracts.
July 12th, 2014
NBF attorney Michael A. Guadagno has been elected to serve on the WDTL Board of Trustees.
June 25th, 2014
Nicoll Black & Feig is proud to announce that Christopher W. Nicoll, W. L. Rivers Black, Curt H. Feig, and William A. Pelandini have been selected to 2014 Washington Super Lawyers.
May 13th, 2014
NBF attorney Michael A. Guadagno presented a lecture on closing arguments at the WDTL Defense Academy.
May 8th, 2014
NBF attorney Jeremy Jones served as the chairman of the Marine Insurance Association of Seattle’s 26th Annual Day of Education, a day-long continuing education seminar for Pacific Northwest marine insurance professionals.
May 5th, 2014
Nicoll Black & Feig announces the addition of our newest legal assistant, Kaye Smith.