News & Events

Our Impact

June 6th, 2013

NBF attorney Michael A. Guadagno is awarded the Professional Excellence Award from the Seattle Select Attorneys Association.

May 24th, 2013

NBF attorneys Curt H. Feig and Michael A. Guadagno won summary judgment dismissal of plaintiff’s claim for breach of contract.  Messrs. Feig and Guadagno argued that the policyholder’s claim arising from an elevator loss was excluded under the policy’s corrosion exclusion.  The court agreed and granted defendant’s motion.

May 23rd, 2013

NBF attorney Chris Reilly participated in the annual golf tournament hosted by the North Pacific Fishing Vessel Owner’s Association.

May 22nd, 2013

NBF attorney Michael A. Guadagno is accepted for admittance to the Oregon State Bar.

May 16th, 2013

NBF attorney Jeremy Jones served as a the chairman of the Marine Insurance Association of Seattle’s annual Day of Education.  Mr. Jones was in charge of an event that included speakers from across the country for over 140 attendees.

May 15th, 2013

NBF attorney Ruby S. Redshaw attended the Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association’s annual general meeting in Seattle, and was a member of the AGM’s Gala Committee.  WISTA is an international organization for women in management positions involved in maritime transportation business and related trades worldwide.  NBF was proud to be a sponsor of WISTA at its general meeting this year.

May 15th, 2013

NBF attorney Michael A. Guadagno provided the Professional Liability practice section of the Washington Defense Trial Lawyers Association with a presentation on the topic of the recent Washington Supreme Court ruling Cedell v. Farmers Ins Co of Wash, 176 Wn.2d 686, 295 P.3d 239 (2013) at its monthly meeting in Seattle.

May 14th, 2013

NBF attorneys Chris Nicoll and Noah Jaffe co-authored an amicus brief submitted to the Washington Supreme Court on behalf of the Washington Defense Trial Lawyers Association in Washburn, et al. v. City of Federal Way. The case involves wrongful death damages that were assessed against the City of Federal Way after a jury trial of allegations that the City was liable for the death of a woman who was killed by her estranged boyfriend after a police officer served him with an anti-harassment protection order. The boyfriend left after the order was served but later returned, killing the unfortunate victim. The appeal focuses on procedural matters such as the preservation of error, the law of the case doctrine, and the question of whether a party must reiterate a CR 50(a) motion for judgment with a subsequent post-trial motion under CR 50(b).

April 30th, 2013

Nicoll Black & Feig announces the addition of our newest paralegal, Elissa Leavitt.

April 26th, 2013

NBF attorney Rivers Black attended the annual Maritime Law Seminar presented by the Greater New Orleans Barge Fleeting Association held in New Orleans, Louisiana.