News & Events

Our Impact

April 5th, 2013

NBF attorneys Christopher W. Nicoll and Michael A. Guadagno provided the Washington Defense Trial Lawyers Association with a presentation on the topics of same sex marriage and the legalization of marijuana at its annual insurance law meeting in Seattle.

March 15th, 2013

NBF attorneys Rivers Black and Jeremy Jones attended the 24th Tulane Admiralty Law Institute at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana.

February 14th, 2013

NBF attorney Michael A. Guadagno facilitated an 8th grade mock trial at the U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington before Judge John C. Coughenour.

December 4th, 2012

The Washington Supreme Court denied review in the matter of James Schibel and Patti Schibel v. Leroy Johnson. The result validates the dismissal obtained by our client (Mr. Johnson) before trial in the Spokane Superior Court in November 2010. The case was handled by attorneys Curt Feig and Chris Reilly and paralegal Jeanette Hendricks.

September 27th, 2012

NBF lawyers Chris Reilly and Chris Nicoll, assisted by Ruby Redshaw and Jeremy Jones, won summary judgment for their clients in Milligan v. Crux Subsurface Inc., Docket No. 3:11-cv-00078-SLG (D. Alaska Sep. 27, 2012). The court ruled that the plaintiff, who was ordinarily a land-based worker but who spent 85% of his time working on a barge at a remote work site as a temporary worker in support of a land-based seasonal project, was not a seaman as a matter of law because his relationship to the defendant’s vessel was not substantial in nature.

September 17th, 2012

Nicoll Black & Feig announces the addition of our newest associate, Noah S. Jaffe.  Mr. Jaffe joins us after completing a clerkship with the Washington Court of Appeals.

August 2nd, 2012

NBF congratulates Larry E. Altenbrun for winning the first ever NBF Ping Pong Tournament!

July 27th, 2012

NBF attorneys Curt H. Feig and Michael A. Guadagno obtained a discovery sanction of dismissal of all claims against their client in Calpito v. Farmers Insurance Company of Washington.  Plaintiff submitted a claim to Farmers alleging a theft of personal property.  Farmers denied the claim.  After several months of discovery disputes, the court granted a defense motion to dismiss the case as a discovery sanction.

July 27th, 2012

NBF attorney Michael A. Guadagno, acting as local counsel, obtained summary judgment of dismissal of all claims against his client in Hai v. STL International, Inc.  Plaintiff sought damages resulting from an alleged design defect in the defendant’s product.  Defendant moved for summary judgment arguing for the application of Texas law, which barred plaintiff’s claims under the statute of limitations.  The court granted the defendant’s motion and dismissed all claims with prejudice.

June 26th, 2012

NBF attorneys Curt H. Feig and Michael A. Guadagno obtained summary judgment of dismissal of all claims against their clients in McDonald v. Farmers Insurance Company of Washington.  Plaintiffs submitted a claim to Farmers after they suffered theft of their medical marijuana plants.  Farmers denied the claim arguing that plaintiffs lacked an insurable interest in their medical marijuana, because it is illegal under federal law.  The court granted the defendants’ motion for summary judgment holding that plaintiffs were unable to establish the fair market value of their medical marijuana, because Washington law prohibits the sale thereof rendering no “market value” for the same.