NBF attorney Noah Jaffe is presenting on July 22, 2022 at the WDTL 2022 Annual Convention in a panel with Rory Cosgrove, Judge Lori Smith of Div. 1, and Sidney Tribe on the topic of “Error Preservation: Practice Tips from the Bench and Bar.”
News & Events
Our Impact
July 22nd, 2022
July 2nd, 2022
NBF attorneys Christopher Nicoll, Rivers Black, Curt Feig, Larry Altenbrun and Chris Reilly were selected as 2022 Seattle Super Lawyers, which is a rating service identifying outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high-degree of peer recognition and professional achievement.
April 26th, 2022
NBF paralegal (and Seattle University law student) Lia Maria Fulgaro authored an article selected for publication in The Seattle Journal for Social Justice. Lia’s article, Death by Apathy: Tolerance of the Government’s Failure to Fund Promised Healthcare Causes Loss of Native American Lives is available here: https://digitalcommons.law.seattleu.edu/sjsj/vol20/iss2/15/
March 2nd, 2022
NBF is pleased to have represented Petro 49 in its recent acquisition of the tanker barge Petro Alaskan for use in its Southcentral Alaska fuel distribution market. In February, NBF attorneys Pegeen Mulhern and Ruby Redshaw assisted Petro 49 in the purchase and subsequent charter of the Petro Alaskan. Petro 49 is Alaska’s largest independent petroleum marketing and distribution company and serves customers throughout Southeast and Southcentral Alaska.
December 3rd, 2021
NBF executive assistance Kaye Smith was honored for her outstanding service to the Puget Sound Maritime Claims Association over the last three years. The Association designated her as an Honorary Board Member and presented her with a plaque. Congratulations Kaye!!!

December 3rd, 2021
NBF attorney Larry Altenbrun completed a three-year term of service to the Puget Sound Maritime Claims Association that culminated in his service as President of the Association for the last year. Congratulations to Larry for a job well done!!! Thank you Larry for your service to our colleagues in the Association.
October 21st, 2021
NBF attorney Rodney Fonda is participating in a panel titled “General Average and Mega-container vessels; Application of the Ancient Maritime Remedy in Modern Times” at the Maritime Law Association Joint Meeting of the Carriage Of Goods Committee and the Marine Insurance & General Average Committee on November 3, 2021.
September 17th, 2021
NBF attorney Pegeen Mulhern has been elected to the board of the Waterbury Land Initiative, Inc. The Land Initiative’s mission is to conserve Waterbury-area land in order to protect and improve land resources to enhance the social and economic vitality of the community. Pegeen is helping this newly formed organization obtain 501(c)(3) status and to expand its ability to preserve open spaces and conserve land for future productive use.
September 1st, 2021
We are extremely pleased to announce that Elizabeth A. Strunk has joined our maritime practice group as a new associate attorney. With Elizabeth, Nicoll Black & Feig gains an experienced, sea-going mariner and rising star to complement our practice and expand our ability to respond to an increased range of employment, commercial, investigatory and maritime services we are able to provide to our clients. We are fortunate to be expanding and building our depth, services and capabilities for a strong future. Elizabeth is the fourth attorney we have added since the onset of Covid-19. You can review Elizabeth’s full and impressive biography here: https://nicollblack.com/our-team/elizabeth-a-strunk/.
July 15th, 2021
Congratulations to NBF attorneys Chris Nicoll, Rivers Black and Curt Feig, who were again named as “Super Lawyers” by Super Lawyers Magazine for 2021.