News & Events

Our Impact

September 10th, 2018

NBF attorney Pegeen Mulhern recently published an article on LinkedIn discussing the importance to the superyacht community of a provision in the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019. The Act, signed into law in August 2018, will allow for U.S. documentation of recreational vessels of 300 gross tons or more without the requirement of USCG inspection.  Read the story here

September 8th, 2018

NBF attorney Pegeen Mulhern took advantage of the National Park Service’s closure of the road above the  east rim of Crater Lake to vehicular traffic to take a hilly bike ride! Although the ride (or walk) is not long (just over 25 miles), it is above 5,000 feet and has plenty of inclines and declines. Riders reach speeds of over 40 mph on the descents. The morning of the Ride was fabulously clear and riders enjoyed a great view of this national treasure! For more information visit –


August 31st, 2018

NBF attorney Chris Reilly visited two clients in Florida on August 30 and 31 to provide training on the changing landscape for punitive damage claims under maritime law.

August 18th, 2018

On August 18, 2018, NBF attorney Larry Altenbrun completed his third half marathon of 2018 when he ran in the America’s Finest City Half Marathon in San Diego, California. In completing the AFC, Larry completed the “Triple Crown” of half marathons in San Diego County by also completing the Carlsbad and La Jolla half marathons.

August 10th, 2018

NBF attorney Chris Nicoll was appointed by the Washington Supreme Court Administrative Committee to be a member of the Washington Pattern Instruction Committee for a term of 4 years (until July 15, 2022).

August 1st, 2018

NBF attorneys Larry Altenbrun, Chris Reilly, and Noah Jaffe participated in the 2018 Puget Sound Maritime Claims Association golf tournament on August 1, 2018 at Interbay in Seattle. No spectators, passersby, or fellow golfers were injured (as far as we know). The trio had a lot of fun, but blamed their modest results on “spending too much time in the practice of law.”

July 21st, 2018

NBF attorney Chris Nicoll moderated a panel on Washington appellate practice at the annual convention of the Washington Defense Trial Lawyers Association held at Sun Mountain Lodge in Winthrop, Washington. The panel members were Court of Appeals Judges Robert Lawrence-Berry and Rebecca Pennell from Division Three, and Judge Bradley Maxa, from Division Two. The panel last 1.5 hours and covered a wide range of topics of interest to trial and appellate practitioners.

July 19th, 2018

NBF attorney Chris Nicoll accepted an appointment on behalf of the Washington Defense Trial Lawyers’ Association as a Committee Member to the Washington Supreme Court Committee on Jury Instructions (also known as the Washington Pattern Instructions Committee). The Committee consists of over 30 lawyers, judges and law professors who meet regularly to review and improve upon jury instructions used in Washington criminal and civil trials.

July 12th, 2018

NBF attorney Larry Altenbrun attended a hearing yesterday with the Washington Resource Damages Assessment Committee and negotiated an agreement with the State of Washington concerning natural resource damages from a 2016 oil spill in Washington waters. The agreement, reached after months of transparent communications, reflects a cooperative and creative resolution to this matter and demonstrates that public and private interests can often be mutually served through engagement, mutual respect, and open dialogue. The agreement includes funding for a project that is important to Washington State Parks. Our client is proud to be helping to benefit the Parks. It was a win-win solution.

July 9th, 2018

NBF attorney and aspiring blogger Larry Altenbrun recently published an article on LinkedIn titled “Punitive Damages in Maritime Law: 5 Things To Know.” Check it out: